Day Care center
Empowered Community
Learning Center
Bi-lingual English/Spanish
We don’t just provide what to teach we focus on how to teach.
At Empowered Community Learning Center, by fostering a child’s creativity, confidence, and independence, we take the learning process beyond traditional academic subjects and prepare children for later schooling and future success in life. This active learning approach to early education achieves powerful, positive results.
Young children are natural language learners. While adults may struggle with language acquisition, children have the innate ability to learn several languages seamlessly and simultaneously. Not only can children process a new language effortlessly, but they also inherently acquire native pronunciation.
Studies have shown there are many additional benefits to the exposure of a second language in early childhood beyond the acquisition of the language itself. Bilingual children have demonstrated increased problem-solving abilities, better working memory, and improved capacity for abstract thinking, among other benefits. Having the opportunity to experience a foreign language environment also expands children’s multi-cultural awareness, stimulates their curiosity about other parts of the world, and fosters an appreciation for understanding multiple points of view.
A foreign language is one of the best gifts you can give your child!

Our Events

Learning through the HighScope curriculum.
Our walking field trip to Mango Nada for ice cream
"Plan, Do, Review"
Children planned where they want to play, carried out their plan, and came back to recall where and with whom they played with
Our Values
Every child, no matter their circumstances, should be given every opportunity to grow into their best selves.
We know, based on decades of research, that nothing changes the trajectory of opportunity more than a high-quality early childhood education.
We believe in the power and ability of the teacher to change the trajectory of a child’s life.
We seek evidence on what works in supporting children, educators, and their families.
Our Commitment to Equity
Whether in face-to-face, online, or in virtual professional learning, HighScope’s field consultants and instructors work with each individual participant to ensure preparation for success in using the HighScope model and approach. Through consultation, training, and coaching, HighScope’s professional learning courses are designed to respond to participants’ individual strengths and focus on practical application and implementation in real-world settings. Participants are encouraged to reflect individually, with other participants, and with a HighScope instructors on what they are learning and how the content can be used to support the work they do with children and families in their respective early childhood programs and communities.